Bagworth is a village in Leicestershire, which is 9 miles west of Leicester city centre.
Daily schools for poorer families in 1818 (population 371 in 1811)

There was one endowed school for poorer families which consisted of 16 children. The master received £8 a year and also a house and garden. Two acres of land formerly belonging to the house had been lost due to mismanagement. It was commented that ‘the poor are satisfied with the means afforded them of educating their children.’
Daily schools in 1833 (population 328 in 1831)
The endowed daily school remained and continued to receive £8 per year for the teaching of 16 children. The school contained 50 children, with the education of the others paid by parents.
Daily schools connected to the Anglican Church in 1846-7
There was one day school in connection to the Anglican Church in Bagworth in 1846, which educated 43 boys and 45 girls. There was one master, and the school was estimated to cost £12 annually.

Bagworth school had to close in 1981, due to mining subsidence, and only the master’s house and a road sign remain. Read more about Bagworth school.
Sunday schools
In 1818
There is no record of any Sunday school in Bagworth in 1818.
In 1833
By 1833, there was one Sunday school in Bagworth which commenced in 1819. There were 16 children of both sexes who were taught gratuitously.
Anglican Sunday school in 1846-7
The Anglican day school also held a Sunday School, which educated 43 boys and 45 girls.
In 1851 (population 560)
On 30 March 1851, 40 attended the Sunday School held in the afternoon at the parish church. Another Sunday School attached to the Baptist Church had 68 scholars in the morning and 65 in the afternoon.
Return to A History of Leicestershire Schools: A-Z
- Education of the Poor Digest, Parl. Papers 1819 (224)
- Education Enquiry, Parl. Papers 1835 (62)
- National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, Result of the Returns to the General Inquiry made by the National Society, into the state and progress of schools for the education of the poor … during the years 1846-7, throughout England and Wales ( London, 1849).
- 1851 Ecclesiastical census